Top 20 issues I have with the iPhone and will stay with Windows Mobile until they are fixed
For anyone out there contemplating buying a smartphone, and thinking about an iPhone versus buying a Windows Mobile based phone, I'd thought I'd give you some of my decision factors: The iPhone has no physical keyboard. Once you type a text message with a real keyboard, you can't go back. Can't cut and paste on the iPhone with built in software - and I like cutting and pasting. No GPS software that can give voice guidance. I use GPS software that gives me voice prompts on my phone, and it works great (Currently using iNAV 4.02). No Voice Command. Nothing beats being able to just say what you want when you're driving, and not worry about voice tags to record, etc. Microsoft Voice Command actually works. Most of the useful apps that aren't toys require money with the iPhone. There is an incredible library of free, useful applications for Windows Mobile (mainly found at XDA Developers website). No Video built-in. My camera can take videos as well as still picture...